
    摘 要:本文采用泰山1983—2013年各月的气象资料包括平均气温、相对湿度、风速、日照时数计算出温湿指数、风效指数和着衣指数,然后在三个指数计算结果的基础上构建综合舒适度指数评价模型,划分出泰山适宜旅游的时间分布。结果表明:泰山5-9月均适宜旅游,其中最佳旅游舒适期为7月份—8月份,综合舒适指数最高,属于最适宜;4月份和10月份属于旅游较不适宜月份;而11月份到次年3月份的综合舒适度指数最低,属于不适宜旅游的月份。这为泰山的旅游发展给出更好的指导和游客旅游时间的确立提供科学的依据。58480


    Abstract:According to the monthly average meteorological data in Mount Tai from 1983 to 2013 including air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind spread and sunshine hours, we calculate the temperature humidity index, wind effect index and dressing index. A comprehensive climate comfort index is developed based on the calculation of THI, K and ICL. Then the grades of fitness and spatial distribution are pided. Here are the conclusions can be drawn. The suitable traveling period of Mount Tai is from Mayday to September and the best period is from July to August, with the highest comprehensive comfort index. April and October are not appropriate for tourists to travel. The uncomfortable traveling period of Mount Tai is from November to Match of the coming year, with the lowest comprehensive comfort index.  By this study, the paper expects to give a better guide for tourism development in Mount Tai and  provide a scientific reference for tourists to decide when they should have a trip.

    Keywords:climate comfort index of tourism, index of clothing, comprehensive comfort index, MountTai 

    1 引  言 2

    2 泰山旅游气候舒适度评价 3

    2.1 泰山旅游气候资源 3

    2.2 泰山气象资料 3

    2.3 泰山旅游气候舒适度评价指标 4

    3 结果分析 6

    3.1 温湿指数变化分析 7

    3.2 风效指数变化分析 8

    3.3 着衣指数及其变化 9

    3.4 综合舒适度指数及其变化 9

    结 论 12

    参考文献 14

    致 谢 15

    1 引  言


    2 泰山旅游气候舒适度评价

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