
    摘  要:网络媒体迅猛发展,青少年网民不断增加,网络深刻地影响着其社会化进程。网络文明给青少年带来正面影响的同时,也给他们造成了很多负面效应。恋网成瘾会一定程度上影响青少年的身心健康;不利于青少年社会角色的养成;妨碍青少年建立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观。为了最大限度地降低负面影响,本文提出了提高分辨力,增强免疫力;加强网络空间监管,加大立法力度;深化教育体制改革,加强心理健康教育;加强学校与家长间的联系四个措施。希望通过对青少年网络成瘾原因的分析并找出解决对策,能积极促进青少年的社会化。55670


    Abstract: The rapid development of network media, young Internet users continues to increase, the network has a profound impact on the socialization of teenagers.Network culture has a positive impact to young people at the same time, due to their many negative effects. Love net addiction affect adolescent health of body and mind; not conducive to develop adolescent social roles; prevent young people establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values. In order to minimize the negative impact, this paper proposed to improve the resolution,enhance immunity; strengthen the supervision of network space, increase the intensity of legislation; deepen the reform of education system, strengthen the psychological health education; strengthen liaison between schools and parents of four measures. Hope that through the analysis of adolescent Internet addiction and find solutions, to actively promote the socialization of young people. The rapid development of network media, young Internet users continues to increase,the network has a profound impact on the socialization of teenagers. Network culture has a positive impact to young people at the same time, due to their many negative effects. Love net addiction affect adolescent health of body and mind;not conducive to develop adolescent social roles; prevent young people establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values. In order to minimize the negative impact, this paper proposed to improve the resolution, enhance immunity; strengthen the supervision of network space, increase the intensity of legislation; deepen the reform of education system, strengthen the psychological health education; strengthen liaison between schools and parents of four measures. Hope that through the analysis of adolescent Internet addiction and find solutions, to actively promote the socialization of young people.

    Keywords: network,teenager,negative effects,strategy

    目   录


    2  研究方法6


    4  概念界定7

    5  网络对青少年负面影响现状7

    5.1  上网成瘾影响青少年的身心健康7

    5.2  网络影响青少年社会角色意识的培养8

    5.3  网络影响青少年的人生观、价值观和世界观8

    6  网络对青少年负面影响原因8

    6.1  内容丰富的网络世界8

    6.2  网络的吸引力9

    6.3  网络的成瘾机制 10

    6.4  网吧运营和监管 10

    7  网络对青少年社会化负面影响的解决对策 10

    7.1  提高分辨力,增强免疫力 10

    7.2  合法经营,依法自律 10

    7.3  加强网络空间监管,加大立法力度 11

    7.4  深化教育体制改革,加强心理健康教育 11

    7.5  加强学校与家长间的联系 11




    1  研究背景


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