


    Abstract:Online marketing means that agencies provide consumers with tourism products on the

    Internet. Common online travel products include hotel reservation tickets booking. Scenic spots tickets booking and so on. With the development of online marketing , Huaian, 74 travel agencies are under the influence of it . Based on literature review, we find that 74 travel agencies in Huaian still give priority to traditional storefront marketing through the current market status quo survey. With the influence of online marketing (OTA), Huaian travel agencies face a series of difficulties, such as lack of confidence to accept new things, huge market competition, OTA offering fewer pages and less of tourists. In order to solve these difficulties, Huaian travel agencies should take following countermeasures. They should take an active part in OTA, focus on surrounding lines and make travel guides. In addition, they should also provide online services and seek for more tourists.

    Keywords: Huaian, travel agencies, online marketing (OTA) 

    目  录

    1 引言 5

    2 淮安旅行社目前营销现状调查 5

    2.1淮安旅行社营销平台调查分析 5

    2.1.1传统门店方式营销为主 5

    2.1.2 水平分工体系营销 7

    2.1.3 电子商务网络营销 7

    2.1.4 广告传单媒体营销 8

    2.2 淮安旅行社营销结果 9

    2.3 淮安旅行社采取OTA的必要性与可行性 9

    3 淮安旅行社在线营销 10

    3.1 淮安旅行社在线营销难点 10

    3.1.1思想落后,对新事物缺乏信心 10

    3.1.2 OTA市场同质化,竞争大 10

    3.1.3 OTA无法满足多方需求,市民遇阻挠 11

    3.1.4 无法展示所有信息,版面少 12

    3.1.5 淮安市无客源地,客流量流失 12

    3.2 淮安旅行社在线营销解决策略 12

    3.2.1 转变旅行社人员和游客的思路 13

    3.2.2 加强员工旅游网络应用培训 13

    3.2.3 制作旅游指南,加大宣传力度 14

    3.2.4 提供在线服务软件,满足个性化需求 14

    3.2.5 集中苏北游客,发展旅游客源地 15

    结论 16

    参考文献 17

    致谢信 18

    1 引言

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