    摘要:EHS管理体系(environment 环境,health健康,safety安全)是指建立环境、安全、健康的组织机构及其职责、程序、过程和资源等构成的整体。是三位一体的管理体系。相对于国外高校实验室的完备EHS体系,我国高校实验室的 EHS 体系显得孱弱不足。近年来导致人员伤亡的实验室安全事故层出不穷,引起了社会的广泛关注。因此,相对实验室安全的 EHS 体系建设研究有着十分重要的意义。  本论文从我国实验室安全状况概括和 EHS 体系建设现状入手,对某高校化学实验室 EHS 管理的现状和存在问题进行分析,通过对实验室相关物质管理,设备管理, 人的行为, 健康与环境, 制度与部门管理等方面存在的问题进行剖析,并运用事故树法进行定性分析,承接之前的分析结果,通过EHS的 15 个框架要素,建立有效的高校化学实验室 EHS 管理体系,最后有初步的应用情况,同时对高校化学实验室 EHS 体系的建立提出了一系列的建议。最后得出高校化学实验室 EHS 体系建设的总结和启发,希望对高校化学实验室EHS建设和安全工作有启发和参考作用。  57003
    Construction and Application of EHS Management System in Chemical Laboratory in University Abstract:  EHS management system (environment, health, safety) refers to the establishment of the environment, safety and health of the organization and its responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources, constitute the whole, is a trinity of management system. Compared with the foreign university laboratory comprehensive EHS system, our laboratory EHS system is weak enough. In recent years, the laboratory safety accidents caused by personnel casualties have emerged one after another, which has aroused widespread concern in the society. Therefore, the research on the construction of the EHS system is very important to the safety of the laboratory. This paper from the laboratory safety status in China Summary and EHS system construction situation of a chemical laboratory in Colleges and universities EHS management present situation and the existing problems were analyzed by for laboratory material management, equipment management, human behavior, health and the environment, the management system of deposit in carries on the analysis, and using accident tree method for qualitative analysis, by EHS 15 elements of the framework, established the effective chemical laboratories in Colleges and universities EHS management system. Finally, the preliminary application, also on College Chemistry Laboratory EHS system  establishment is proposed a series of suggestions. At last, it draws the conclusion and Inspiration of the construction of the EHS system in the chemical laboratory of the University, hoping to enlighten and reference the EHS construction and safety work of the chemical laboratory in University. 
    Keywords: University Chemistry Lab; environment; health; safety; EHS system.   

    目 录 

    1  绪论. 1 

    1.1 高校实验室安全现状 1 

    1.1.1 高校实验室概况. 1 

    1.1.2 高校实验室安全现状.. 1 

    1.2 实验室 EHS体系的应用现状 . 5 

    1.2.1  国内实验室 EHS体系应用现状 . 5 

    1.2.2 国外实验室 EHS体系应用现状 .. 6 

    1.3 本文的研究意义及内容.. 7 

    2  某高校化学实验的安全现状及隐患分析. 9 

    2.1  实验室现状 9 

    2.1.1  相关化学物质管理.. 9 

    2.1.2  相关设备管理.. 10 

    2.1.3  人的行为管理.. 13 

    2.1.4  健康与环境管理. 14 

    2.1.5 实验室制度管理和教育.. 15 

    2.1.6 部门管理和人员负责管理. 15 

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