
    摘要:本论文主要对上海某区2014-2016年发生的安全生产事故进行统计调查研究。首先 针对事故的总体状况、事故中死亡的作业员工的性别、年龄、事故发生企业所在的行业、 事故企业的经济类型、安全生产事故类型六个方面进行了统计分析,根据统计分析结果研 究不同类型的事故发生起数的趋势和变化。其次,在事故统计的基础上,采用事故树分析 方法、鱼刺法以及失效模式及影响分析法对近年来发生的典型事故进行分析,典型事故选 取事故总起数比重最大的高处坠落事故以及2016年频发的起重伤害事故和发生起数趋势 明显上升的物体打击事故作为典型案例具体研究。最后,提出相应的安全生产事故的预防 对策措施,从企业和政府两方面来开展,政府部门主要的职责是监督管理,企业自身管理 占重要地位,协同预防安全生产事故发生,减少事故造成的伤害和经济损失。66278

    毕业论文关键词: 安全生产事故;统计分析;事故分析;事故预防

    The Investigation and Study on Production Safety Accidents of a District in Shanghai

    Abstract: this paper mainly take a statistics and analysis on production safety accident of a district in Shanghai from 2014 to 2016. First I aim at the following six aspects: the general characteristics of the accident, the gender and age of the dead operator in the accident, the accident unit industry, economic categories, category of the production safety accidents, and carry on the statistical analysis through six aspects. Secondly, on the basis of the accident statistics, I analyze typical accidents occurred in recent years by using fault tree analysis, fishbone char and failure modes and effects analysis. I tend to select the largest proportion of this total number of accident as falling accident and Object against accident, lifting injury accident which happened frequently in 2016. Finally, put forward the corresponding prevention measures to reduce production safety accident, the main responsibility of the government is the supervision, and enterprise management own prominently status, in order to prevent production safety accidents reduce the harm and loss brought by the accident.

    Key Words: production safety accidents; statistical analysis; accident analysis; prevention of accidents


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 安全生产事故的定义 1

    1.2 安全生产事故的分类 1

    1.2.1 按事故对人的伤害程度分类 1

    1.2.2 按事故等级划分 1

    1.2.3 按伤害的方式分类划分 2

    1.2.4 按事故行业分类 2

    1.2.5 按事故经济损失分类 2

    1.3 我国安全生产事故现状 2

    1.4 安全生产事故统计 3

    1.4.1 安全生产事故统计的目的意义 3

    1.4.2 安全生产事故统计方法及其应用 3

    1.5 安全生产事故分析 5


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