
    摘 要:服务营销对于提升旅行社服务水平,促进旅行社长远发展具有重要意义,这就要求旅行社重视与加强客户关系管理,从而提高旅行社的竞争力。本文以淮安开元旅行社为研究对象,在服务营销理论的基础上,对开元旅行社服务营销策略进行了分析和研究。在研究中,发现旅行社存在服务意识不强、旅游线路较少、售后服务缺失、促销方式不完善、缺乏有效的内部营销等问题,并提出了树立服务意识、拓展旅游线路、完善售后服务、改进促销手段、提高内部营销水平等对策和建议,以提高旅行社服务营销水平和能力。57256


    Abstract: Service marketing agencies to enhance service levels, and promote long-term development agencies have important significance, which requires attention to strengthening the relationship between the travel agency and client management, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of travel agencies. In this paper, Huaian Kaiyuan travel agency for the study, on the basis of service marketing theory, marketing strategy for the New Century travel agency services are analyzed and studied. In the study, found no strong sense of service, fewer tourist routes, service is missing, imperfect promotions, lack of effective internal marketing issues such as travel agencies, and proposed to establish service awareness, expanding tourist routes, improve service, improve promotions, such as improving the level of internal marketing strategies and recommendations to improve the level of service marketing agencies and capabilities.

    Keywords: Huai’an Kaiyuan travel agency, service marketing, countermeasure

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2 服务营销理论 3

    3 开元旅行社服务质量的感知与评估 4

    3.1  问卷设计与数据来源 4

    3.2  数据分析 4

    3.3  员工访谈 8

    4 开元旅行社服务营销存在问题分析 8

    4.1  服务意识缺失 8

    4.2  旅游线路较少 9

    4.3  售后服务缺失 9

    4.4  促销手段不完善 10

    4.5  缺乏有效的内部营销 10

    5 开元提高旅行社服务营销建议 10

    5.1  树立服务意识 10

    5.2  拓展旅游线路 11

    5.3  完善售后服务 11

    5.4  改进促销手段 11

    5.5  提高内部营销水平 12

    结论 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15

    附录: 16

    1  引言


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