
    摘 要:镇江西津渡历史文化街区是我国目前规模最大的古渡历史街区,距今已有千年历史。首先,其旅游资源虽数量较多,但种类较为单一。其次,在进行开发的过程中出现关于旅游资源主题不明、品种杂乱、功能服务设施不配套等一些问题,导致游客走马观花式的参观游览,缺乏互动。因此,提出确定主题、资源整合、完善设施、挖掘功能等解决建议和措施,以逐步提高西津渡古街的吸引力为目的,构建集购物、休闲、美食、娱乐、住宿等多功能为一体的时尚与传统混搭的民俗文化旅游街区,从而进一步发展镇江文化旅游产业。57309


    Abstract:Xijin historical and cultural block is currently the largest historic district of Ferries, dating back thousands of years. First, although the large number of its tourism resources, but more single species. Secondly, it appears on the resource theme unknown species messy, functional service facilities are not complete and some other issues during the development process, resulting in a quick walkthrough of sightseeing tourists, the lack of interaction. Therefore, proposed to determine the theme, resource integration, facilities, mining functions to solve the recommendations and measures to gradually increase the attractiveness of Xijin Ferry Streets, building shopping, leisure, food, entertainment, lodging and other multifunction fashion and tradition mash of folk culture tourism district, in order to enrich the cultural tourism Zhenjiang.

    Keywords:Xijin historical and cultural block, Tourism resources,Exploitation problems, Solutions

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    2  西津渡历史文化街区旅游资源分类概况 4

    3  西津渡历史文化街区旅游资源分析 6

    3.1  遗址遗迹 6

    3.2  建筑与设施 6

    3.3  旅游商品 7

    4  旅游资源开发存在的问题 7

    4.1  主题混乱,重点不明 7

    4.2  资源散乱,缺乏规范 7

    4.3  服务设施缺少统一规划 8

    4.4  旅游资源功能亟须拓展 8

    5  旅游资源开发的建议与策略 9

    5.1  把握内涵,确定主题 9

    5.1.1  渡口历史 9

    5.1.2  中西结合 10

    5.2  资源整合,划分区域 11

    5.2.1  现代创意文化类 11

    5.2.2  老镇江传统文化类 12

    5.3  完善设施,统一规划 12

    5.3.1  餐饮服务设施 12

    5.3.2  住宿服务设施 13

    5.3.3  购物服务设施 13

    5.3.4  康娱服务设施 13

    5.4  挖掘功能,突出特色 13

    5.4.1  娱乐参与功能 14

    5.4.2  文化教育功能 14


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