

        本项研究是对上海的社会服务机构的社会工程监理模式工作的探索性研究。研究人员本身在那里实习 - 以上海市阳光社区为例,通过分析社会监督机制项目的现状,探索上海的社会服务机构工作的社会工程监理模式,以便为当地社会服务机构监管工作开展提供一些参考。





    Abstract Social work supervisor social supervision by oversight, improve professional standards, to meet customer demand, and maintain the healthy functioning of social work services, and promote the development of the social work profession has an important significance. Based on Indigenous social work supervisors explore and experience presented a wealth of knowledge, field supervision system of social work, to guide social work practice supervisors also had an important role. However, the existing current academic research in this field are few.

        This study is an exploratory study of social engineering supervision mode Shanghai's social service agencies. The researchers themselves where internship - Shanghai Sunshine Community, for example, by analyzing the current situation of social supervision mechanism projects, social service agencies to explore social engineering supervision model in Shanghai, in order to provide some reference to local social service agencies to carry out supervision.

        The researchers used the length of interviews conducted in this study qualitative research methods. Social workers gather first-hand information on research projects and interviewed by the agency for its finishing. On the basis of these data it has been conceptualized, extracted from three aspects - Project Monitoring Team by the way social workers, supervisors, content regulation - social supervision mechanism projects the current situation analysis, summed up the social project supervision of the institution model is based on the joint Steering polyol-based project model.

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