

    With the rapid development of information technology, computer technology and network technology in China, the online shopping market in our country has been developing rapidly. In the ever-changing Internet technology, online shopping has gradually formed a system. At the same time, the rapid growth of China's social and economic level, people's material requirements are also constantly improving, the level of consumption and consumption capacity is also continuing to grow. At this stage, online shopping has been one of the most common way of shopping in daily life, 3C products is the earlier in the online channel sales of products, the share of online shopping market share in a higher proportion. Online shopping convenience, high price, many varieties, category of advantage for more and more people choose to buy a network channel, however in the interests of the driven, 3C products online shopping market is becoming more and more complicated, the quality of the products was mixed, uneven quality can not be effectively guaranteed, coupled with online shopping information safety, property safety problems frequently, many people for 3C products online shopping have prohibitive. In order to further promote the healthy development of 3C products online shopping market, to find out the relationship between the psychological behavior and the purchase behavior of consumers online shopping 3C products, has a strong practical significance and theoretical significance.

    毕业论文关键词:3C产品; 网购; 心理因素;调查

    Keywords: 3C products;online shopping;psychological factor ;investigation

    目    录

    1. 引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 1

    1.3  研究方法与技术路线 1

    1.3.1  研究方法 1

    1.3.2  研究技术路线 1

    1.4  论文结构 1

    2. 文献综述 2

    2.1  网购信任与消费者网购行为研究 2

    2.2.  在线产品和服务质量与消费者网购行为研究 2

    2.3   功利动机与网购消费者行为研究 3

    2.4   感知风险与网购消费者行为研究 3

    3. 制约消费者网购3C产品的心理因素 4

    3.1  3C产品以及3C产品网购特征 4

    3.1.1   选择范围更大

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