    摘要 在全球经济衰退和中国经济转型的背景下,传统制造业面临巨大压力,随着中国人力资源成本上升和市场竞争激烈,企业的利润空间越来越小。因此,多数企业在市场饱和情况下开始重视成本的控制。本文基于单件流思想对安亿公司电机生产方式和生产线进行分析,从而发现公司生产线上在制品过多,生产中存在生产流程混乱以及库存浪费的问题的问题。针对公司这些问题,本文主要从单元布局、生产工序平衡来优化生产线,并代入拉式生产和看板管理和快速换模理念改善公司装配车间与铸造车间生产不衔接的问题,最终使得公司能够按单件流思想来生产,降低公司成本。  58671
    毕业论文关键词:拉式生产;单件流;单元布局;工序平衡 ;快速换模   
    Research questions Anyi company implements lean production of one-piece flow
    Abstract Under the background of economic transformation of China and global recession, the traditional manufacturing industry  is facing huge pressure.  With the rising of human resources cost and intense of market competition, profit of enterprises becoming smaller and smaller. As a result, most enterprises paid attention to the control of cost under the condition of market saturation. Based on one -piece flow,the paper analyze the company's production and motor, which found that the company production line has too many products, The presence of confusion of the production process and problems of waste inventory. To deal with these problems,the paper transform the production line  into  single piece flow production. The paper optimize line, which mainly from the layout of cell production and the balance of production process. Through the pull production and Kanban management and SMED  to improve the problem of pergence of assembly workshop and casting workshop production. The final result is that the company can produce according to the ideal of single piece flow, which lead to reduce cost of the company.   
    Keywords: Pull production; One-piece flow; Cell layout; Step balance; SMED  


    1.引言  .  1 

    1.1研究背景   1 

    1.2研究目的与意义   1 

    1.3国内外研究综述   2 

    1.3.1 单件流及单元制造相关研究  .  2 

    1.3.2 拉式生产和生产平衡理论  .  2 

    1.3.3 快速换模理论  .  3 

    1.4研究思路与技术路线   4 

    2.理论基础  .  4 

    2.1单件流理论   4 

    2.1.1 工序细化  .  5 

    2.1.2 工序重组  .  5 

    2.2单元生产理论方法   5 

    2.2.1 单元生产的布局类型  .  5 

    2.3拉式生产和看板管理理论   6 

    2.4生产节拍   6 

    3.安亿公司生产现状及问题分析  .  7 

    3.1安亿公司现状分析   7 

    3.2安亿公司问题分析   9 

    3.3本章小结 .  11 

    4.安亿公司单件流设计过程    12 

    4.1单元里单件流生产 .  12 

    4.2生产节拍的计算 .  14 

    4.3瓶颈工序的解决 .  14 

    4.4平衡生产线-移动方式的设计   17 

    5.安亿公司单件流具体实施    19 

    5.1产品 EQ176的生产节拍及生产方式 .  19 

    5.1.1 生产节拍    19 

    5.1.2 生产方式-移动式生产  .  19 

    5.2拉式看板改善生产过多 .  21 

    5.2.1 拉式生产的应用    21 

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