


    The policy and Enlightenment of free professionals to participate in the social endowment insurance

    abstract Freelancers attend endowment insurance is to expand the social endowment insurance coverage of the important link. Few freelancers in social endowment insurance difficulties, for example, the income is not high, payment burden. How to improve the freedom to participate in social pension insurance policy, makes the quasi threshold decline is the key to achieve scientific social security system in the future.Through the definition of freedom of occupation, research on the evolution of social endowment insurance policy, taking Zhenjiang city as an example,explorate free professionals insured Road,analysis of the differences between them and the normal workers and the reasons,so as to put forward reform suggestions for the present situation in order to provide a more fair and equitable treatment and protection for the free professionals 。

    Keywords: free professionals; social endowment insurance; differences; policy recommendations

    0引言 1

    1相关概念界定 1

    1.1自由职业者 1

    1.2.养老保险 2

    2自由职业者参加社会养老保险现状 4

    2.1自由职业者参保手续 5

    2.2自由职业者参保缴费基数 5

    3自由职业者与企事业单位职工参保的差异 7

    3.1制度模式不同 7

    3.2筹资机制不同 8

    3.3待遇和享受不同 8

    4自由职业者参保存在的问题 8

    4.1养老金待遇差距过大 8

    4.2 筹资机制亟待改进 9

    4.3待遇调整缺乏科学合理的机制 9

    4.4 统筹层次缺乏明确的管理体制 9

    4.5 劳动力市场不够健全 9

    4.6自由职业者参保问题案例 10

    5 自由职业者参与社会养老保险政策建议 11

    5.1允许自由职业人员参与职称评定 11

    5.2纳入更加完善的社会保障与医疗保险体系 11

    5.3 设置相应的社保补贴和政策支持 11

    5.4 建立更专业完善的的服务系统 12

    5.5增强大众对国家养老金制度的信心 12

    结论 13

    致谢 14

    参考文献 15

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