


    With the development of e-commerce in China, the bottleneck of its development has been emerged gradually. Users with limited resources have become the traffic sources fighting by the e-commerce platforms. However, it is the past time that businesses in the platform enjoy the exponential growth of traffic by the platform, and how to output more profit based on limited traffic is the serious problem for each business. It is undoubtedly that businesses are eager to maintain customer loyalty and upgrade the strategy.

    Whatever business psychology or the theory of reality, maintaining and enhancing customer loyalty can help businesses produce greater profits in limited traffic. In this situation, it is necessary for business enterprises to obtain the strategy which can maintain and enhance customer loyalty by analyzing its influencing factors. In this way, enterprises also can enhance their own interests based on the existing traffic.

    The thesis has worked out the factors that influence customer loyalty by analyzing part of sales data, CRM system, and customer telephone records of an e-commerce company whose annual sales can arrive at 160 million RMB.


    Keywords: network environment; customer's loyalty;Maintenance and promotion strategy


    1. 引言 7

    1.1. 研究背景及意义 7

    1.1.1 电子商务发展态势凶猛 7

    1.1.2 研究的目的与意义 7

    1.2. 研究目标 8

    1.3. 研究内容 8

    1.4. 研究方法 8

    1.4.1. 文献研究 8

    1.4.2. 问卷调查 8

    1.4.3. 综合评价法 9

    1.5. 技术路线 9

    1.6. 本文的创新点 9

    2. 文献综述 10

    2.1. 关于客户忠诚度的相关文献研究 10


  1. 上一篇:中小企业人力资源外包风险及防范
  2. 下一篇:运筹学在企业管理中的应用
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