



    毕业论文关键词: 传统文化;传统文化价值观念;消费者行为

    Research on the influence of traditional culture on consumers

    Abstract:After the reform and opening up, Chinese economic development has made remarkable achievements, especially since joining the WTO, the influx of foreign Chinese, domestic enterprises such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like appearance, China economic prosperity. In 2015 China total GDP increased to $10385.66, once again surpassed Japan ranked second in the world, first in Asia. Economic prosperity, the per capita income levels continue to improve, and promote the unprecedented upsurge of China's consumer behavior.

        However, the influx of foreign products in China, not all products can have a very large consumer groups. Consumer behavior is not only influenced by average income, consumption crowd age levels, among other factors, the deeper is influenced by the idea, the concept of "this" is formed by the different cultural background of traditional cultural values.

        In this paper, the influence of Chinese traditional culture to consumer analysis of traditional culture definition values in the value of traditional culture, the traditional values, using SPSS data analysis and demonstration of traditional cultural values has an impact on consumer behavior. The purpose is to prove China behind the traditional culture consumption concept has influence on consumer behavior of different types, in the research range, providing some reference for the enterprise.

    Key words:  traditional culture; traditional cultural values; consumer behavior


    绪论 1

    一、 相关理论与研究综述 3

      (一) 传统文化价值观念理论综述· 3

        1、 文化的涵义· 3

        2、 中国传统文化价值观· 3

      (二) 消费者购物行为模式研究综述 4

        1、 消费的概念· 4

        2、 消费者购物行为模式的研究· 4

      (三) 中国传统文化价值观对消费者行为的影响理论综述· 5

    一、研究维度与研究假设· 7

      (一) 研究维度 7

      (二) 研究模型 7

      (三) 研究假设 8

      (四) 制定量表 9

    三、 SPSS分析与研究结果 10

      (一) 描述性统计 10

      (二) 信度分析 10

      (三) 效度分析 12

      (四) 回归分析 13

        1、 面子主义的回归分析 13

        2、 集体主义的回归分析 15

        3、 中庸之道的回归分析 17

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