




    The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees' Organizational Citizenship Behavior

    Abstract: In recent years, with the progress of human society and the gradual improvement of the market economy, every industry is booming, people pay more attention to the issue of corporate social responsibility. Enterprises take the initiative to assume social responsibility, not only to achieve the enterprise as a member of the community is an integral part of the value, but also to the develop the whole society, while for the development of the enterprise itself into a sense of extraordinary energy.       

    The introduction of organizational citizenship behavior has brought a new perspective to the study of corporate social responsibility. From the beginning of the enterprise is responsible for, responsible for the extended to the enterprise for the interests of the staff and other stakeholders, makes the enterprise in contribution of fulfilling the social responsibility to the society at the same time, just get the corporate  

    image building and product marketing means, more on the enterprise's internal culture and employee behavior exerts positive influence.      

    This paper mainly from two aspects of corporate social responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior research collected relevant literature, review and clear the related theory and concept of corporate social responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior, analysis of the influence of the former on the latter, the relationship between the two sides, from the promotion of organizational citizenship behavior is proposed to fulfill social responsibility practices, and mining theory and the practice of the defects and shortcomings proposed relevant measures, in order to provide theoretical support for the related research, accelerate the development of the enterprise as a whole. solutions. 

    Key words: Corporate social responsibility; organizational citizenship behavior; employees

    引言 1

    一、 绪论 2

    (一) 研究的背景及意义 2

    1、 研究的背景 2

    2、 研究的意义 2

    (二) 研究的对象 3

    (三) 研究的主要内容 3

    (四) 研究的思路和框架 4

    二、 相关理论及文献综述

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