
    摘要: 当前我国的化妆品市场巨大并趋于稳定。国际化妆品大牌在中国的发展却正进入增速放缓的状态,甚至有零增长乃至负增长的状况,本土品牌迎来了发展的绝佳机会。提高化妆品行业的进入门槛后,我国正适度放松对化妆品产品的监管,调低进口化妆品税率,这些举措让化妆品市场的竞争更加激烈。我国的经济环境一直较好,人均收入稳定增长,失业率下降,消费者的购买力正不断提高。处于对传统文化的欣赏,将中华文化融入化妆品的开发设计必然会带来更多的市场占有。美素现有的营销策略是比较传统,一方面受制于产品数量的偏少,另一方面由于营销投入的有限。虽然很早就进行了全渠道的营销,但是由于在各个层面上都点到为止,缺少深入的传播推广,宣传策略是不够科学的。在渠道管理上当前渠道科学性不足,末端供需经常出现波动,加大了销售管理的难度。为了提高品牌的市场占有率,树立更好的品牌的形象,建议美素品牌加大在产品研发上的投入,实现产品差异化;优化现有的渠道,加强对渠道的管理;借力大事件,推广数字营销;利用公益营销加强品牌建设,提升品牌的形象。61978


     Marketing Strategy of JALA cosmetics brand managenment     

     Abstract: China's current cosmetics market is huge and stabilized. The growth of international cosmetics corporations are at a slow rate, or even zero growth, so local brands get great development opportunities. After raising the cosmetics industry barriers to entry, China is losing control of cosmetics products, lower tax rates of imported cosmetics, which make cosmetics market more competitive. China's economic environment is always good. Per capita income is steadily growing and unemployment rate is falling. So consumer purchasing power is constantly improving. In appreciation of traditional culture, bring Chinese culture into the development and design of cosmetics products will certainly help Maysu get more market share. The existing marketing strategy of Maysu is traditional. Although Maysu tried all-channel marketing early, but low levels trying in all channel made marketing strategy unscientific. Current channel management is lack of science, which makes the supply and demand often fluctuate at the end of channel, leading to more difficulty in sales management. In order to enhance the brand's market share, establish a better brand image, here give some recommendations. Maysu should increase investment in product research and development for product differentiation; optimize existing channels and strengthen the management of the channel; promote digital marketing with big events; use charity marketing for great brand image.

     Keywords: Maysu; marketing environment; product strategy; pricing strategy; channel strategy; promotion strategy; product differentiation; channel management; digital marketin; charity marketing


    1.绪论 1

    1.1研究背景及目的 1

    1.2文献综述 2

    1.3主要研究内容和方法 3

    2.美素品牌的营销环境分析 4

    2.1政治法律环境(Politics) 4

    2.2经济环境(Economy) 5

    2.3社会文化环境(Society) 7

    2.4科学技术环境(Technology) 7

    2.5人口及自然环境(Population and Nature)

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