



    A Study on the Operation Mode of Travel Agency to Undertake Incentive Tourism Projects

    -- A Case Study of Shanghai Region

    Abstract:With the prevailing exhibition industry today, more and more travel agencies attempt to take part in it by undertaking exhibition projects, in which incentive tourism market is involved most. In this paper, the operating mode for local travel agencies undertaking incentive travel projects in Shanghai is analyzed, where many problems in the current system are found. As the market of incentive travel is expanding, it should be paid more attention to improve the defects by considering more for consumers so as to enhance the industry more rapidly.

    The first part of the article is the introduction. In the second part the connotation of incentive tourism will be explained in terms of the definition, type, form, function and meaning, so as to show its important role in travel agency. The third part involves the systematic analysis of operating mode for local travel agencies undertaking incentive travel projects in Shanghai, which requires four steps including preparation, product design, project implementation, assessing effect and maintaining relationship with customers. Also, the CYTS will be taken as an example to demonstrate the rationality and practicability of the mode. In the fourth part, we will deeply discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the operating mode, as well as some suggestions for improvement.

    Key words:Travel Agency; Incentive Travel; Project Operation


    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究意义和目的 1

    (二)国内外研究现状 1

    (三)研究方法和结构 2

    二、奖励旅游的内涵 3

    (一)奖励旅游的定义 3

    (二)奖励旅游的类型和形式 3

    (三)奖励旅游的作用 3

    (四)奖励旅游对旅行社的意义 4

    三、上海地区旅行社承接奖励旅游项目的运作模式研究 5

    (一)上海地区旅行社承接奖励旅游项目的运作模式 5

    1.前期筹备 5

    2.产品设计 5

    3.项目执行 7

    4.效果评估以及维护客户关系 7

    (二)案例分析—以中青旅为例 7

    1.上海中青旅简介及其代表性 7

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