


    The study of the management of cosmetics quality inspection process - treat the SGS company as an example

    Abstract: Living standards of people are going to be higher and higher with the level of development of today's ever-changing society. Those problems of food and clothing which people concern are solved. Cosmetics are more and more popular now, with the addition of the people's safety consciousness, more and more people begin to concern the safety of cosmetic's quality. Company SGS is in charge of detecting the quality of products which is a company who is in charge of third-party quality inspection. From the beginning of the test to the end, there is a long process. Firstly, we should determine the content of test, then we begin to detect and finally we finish the test. This process need the cooperation of different departments and groups, it also need the feedback and the ability of meeting an emergency. To administer the process of test effectively and analyze the advantage and shortcoming of each process and improve these points can elevate the working efficiency of the company SGS and finish the test effectively. It can bring a better word of mouth and income for the company.

    Keywords: Process management; Quality inspection; Process improvement; Cosmetics

    引言 1

    一、化妆品质量检测概述 2

    (一) 化妆品的概念与分类 2

    (二)化妆品质量检测 2

    1、 化妆品进行质量检测的原因 2

    2、 化妆品质量检测的标准 2

    3、 化妆品质量检测的分类 3

    4、 我国化妆品质量检测的现状 3

    (三) 化妆品质量检测的过程管理 3

    1、 过程管理的原因 3

    2、 过程管理运用的方法 4

    (四) 化妆品质量检测过程管理研究现状分析 4

    二、SGS公司化妆品质量检测具体流程 7

    (一) 前线介绍 7

    1、 前线及其分类 7

    2、 前线的职责 7

    (二) 客户介绍 8

    (三) 技术支持工作 8

    (四) 客服工作 9

    1、部门客服 9

    2、实验室客服 9

    (五) 实验室工作 9

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