


    The analysis of differentiated brand management of P&G between China and Canada

    Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to find out the reason that why P&G failed in Chinese market with a Canadian brand management perspective. On the basis of the cosmetics brand competitive environment, this article use the combination of comparative analysis and qualitative analysis methods to contrastive analysis the similarities and differences of products lines、organization structure and brand management strategies between two countries. Then, find out the strategy of P&G company brand management across countries by means of integrate theory of customer mind-set model with the practical cases of Crest and Tide under the framework of 4P. In the end, adopt both merit and demerit of two countries’ brand management. Expect propose some valuable and innovative ideas to help traditional enterprises like P&G conduct global brand management in both breadth and depth ways in this persification environment.

    Key words: P&G; brand management; global brand management

    引言 1

    一、 绪论 2

    (一)课题研究背景 2

    (二)课题研究目的和意义 3

    (三)课题的国内外研究现状与发展趋势 4

    (四)研究的主要方法及主要内容 6

    二、 概念界定与文献综述 6

    (一) 品牌管理概述 6

    (二) 国外品牌管理研究文献梳理 7

    (三) 国内现有品牌管理研究文献梳理 7

    三、 宝洁公司中加两国品牌竞争环境差异分析 8

    (一) 中国日化市场品牌竞争现状与格局 8

    (二) 加拿大日化市场品牌竞争现状与格局 8

    四、 宝洁公司品牌中加两国管理现状分析 9

    (一) 宝洁公司的发展历程 9

    (二) 宝洁公司中国市场品牌管理分析 10

    (四) 宝洁公司中国与加拿大品牌管理差异化对比 17


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