



    Study on engineering cost management of construction enterprises

    Abstract:Since the reform and opening,the rapid development of the construction industry and the national investment in fixed assets of the boom driven, making China's construction enterprises can not escape the fierce competition in the market.Facing the changeable market, construction enterprises of all sizes are faced with more or less influence, such as difficult to predict natural environment and complicated and changeable social environment caused construction enterprise to in the field out of a trail.Moreover, the main source of profit for construction enterprises, is the project. Project although profit is higher than the market average, but due to its previous high investment, long construction period, in the main, organizational relationship of complex factors, construction enterprises forced to face the engineering cost of a wide range of issues.At the same time, the factors that lead to uncertainty affects project cost cost, leading to the phenomenon of high cost and low profit projects of construction enterprises, and effectively project cost management can help enterprises to effectively manage and implement control engineering in the cost and profit. And this all makes the construction project cost management research is extremely necessary.

    This paper standing in the angle of construction enterprises, research and analysis of the now construction enterprises in the project cost management exist problems and puts forward improvement method to solve the problem, and to learn from some western countries and the developed areas of engineering cost management research results, the analysis influence construction enterprise engineering cost management of all aspects of factors based on the building construction enterprise project cost management system, make the cost control and claims management, effective management.

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 概述 5

    1.1.1 研究背景 6

    1.1.2 研究目标和主要内容 8

    1.1.3 施工企业工程造价管理的意义

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