



    Construction Project Cost Management Research Unit

    Abstract:With China's market economy continues to improve, the real estate industry has become a pillar industry of the national economy. Our construction project investment is large, increasing the number of construction projects for real estate projects, the investment cost of the project is the need to focus part. Construction unit is the investor of the whole project, is the main construction projects, policy-makers and organizers, can effectively project cost control and management, to maximize the economic benefits of the project is the main goal of building units. Therefore, the project cost management is the key factor in building projects to optimize resources is the core of the construction unit of investment cost control. But behind the rapid development of our society, there is a huge waste of money behavior. For example, estimates more than estimates, budget over budget estimates and the settlement over the "three super" phenomenon seriously affected the level of economic construction unit. Therefore, the project cost management status of the research paper by construction units and problems, research results of project cost management measures.

    This paper introduces the research background and significance of the construction unit project cost management, project cost management describes the construction unit is a key part of the construction project is to ensure maximum investment returns of important factors. By comparing the present situation of domestic and project cost management, project cost management found that the construction unit of the achievements of this stage, although a bit small, but still there are some problems. Therefore, to understand the basic theory of the construction project cost management unit after the draw the importance of the whole process of project cost management, after that, I respectively, from investment decisions, project design, project bidding, construction, completion settlement five stage consultation found deficiencies of the construction unit project cost management, and the whole process from the perspective of project cost management depth research and analysis, and finally find the right policies and measures for the different stages to ensure that the investment cost of the construction unit has been effectively controlled to achieve maximum economic efficiency.

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