


    Analysis on the Application of Chinese Elements in the Game Industry

    ABSTRACT:The game is one of the important ways the moment for recreation. In recent years, more and more games to absorb the various manifestations of Chinese elements. The so-called Chinese elements, refers to the condensation of Chinese national spirit of traditional culture, and reflect the collection of national dignity and national interests of images, symbols, or customs and the like. The salient features of China as the most important element is Germany, others to Germany, the content of perse and unique, broad range of topics, rich heritage, and inclusive, has a long history, has strong vitality. Through in-depth analysis of the specific application of Chinese elements in six areas of the domestic game background story, mission systems, role and behavior costumes, visual style and architectural scenes, music and operational activities can be found the following problems: First, too much repeated the use of well-known themes; Second, confusing patchwork picture, play the same pattern; Third, the music and the story of the game overall lack of coordination, using only, not adjusted innovation; Fourth, too much emphasis on the content of the game itself, the lack of humane care. This leads to the subject of the domestic game is too simple, visual style or vulgarization of interest too, was repeatedly used the same music and many other disadvantages. This paper argues that only the more "game" and the Chinese culture to the refinement of the Chinese game elements better integrated with each other to obtain the correct, rational and creative applications, in order to make more outstanding Chinese game industry, for more better and faster development and to better spread the Chinese culture.

    Keywords:Video Game;Game Industry;Chinese Element;Chinese Culture  

    一、绪论 3

    (一) 研究背景 3

    (二) 研究的目的与意义 3

    (三) 国内外研究的现状 4

    (四) 研究方法 5

    二、游戏的概念分类及国内外游戏产业的发展概况 7

    (一) 游戏的分类及其相关概念、特征 7

    1、 平台游戏分类简述 7

    2、 依据内容架构分类的游戏概念简述及其特征

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