
    摘要: 文化产业的崛起,标志着我国经济体制改革的进一步深化,和经济结构的进一步调整与优化。现今,文化产业已经成为市场经济中重要的组成部分,各地都在大力发掘文化资源,加速发展具有当地特色的文化产业。地方政府在这一进程中扮演着重要角色,发挥着无可替代的功能。西安市积极探求和大胆实践政府职能转变与创新,成功地创立了“曲江模式”。坚持“文化立区,旅游兴区”的发展思路,打造“文化曲江”特色品牌,发展壮大当地文化产业的同时,还大大提升了城市形象和城市价值。“曲江模式”中的政府职能创新包括:坚持区域化发展文化产业的新理念,不断扩展多门类文化产业体系,坚持政府主导下的市场化文化投融资体制和机制,让政府职能回归本源,品牌宣传的大力发展,以及用科技带动文化产业发展、落实科技发展新观念等六个方面。这些成功经验具有一定的“可复制可推广”性,值得其他地区在发展文化产业中去学习和借鉴。62113

    毕业论文关键词: 文化产业;政府职能;曲江模式;政府职能创新

    Research on the functions of local government in the development of cultural industry——Taking Qujiang area  in Xi'an as an example

    Abstract: The rise of the cultural industry, marks the further deepening of China's economic system reform, and further adjustment and optimization of economic structure. Today, the cultural industry has become an important part of the market economy, the country is vigorously exploring cultural resources, accelerate the development of cultural industries with local characteristics. The local government plays an important role in this process and has an irreplaceable function. Xi'an city actively explore and boldly practice the transformation of government functions and innovation, successfully created the "Qujiang model"". Creating "cultural Qujiang" special brand with adhering to the  the development of ideas——cultural areas, tourism development zone for the development of local cultural industries, but also greatly enhance the image of the city and the value of the city. Innovation of government function in Qujiang mode including: adhering to the new concept of the regional development of cultural industries, expanding multi cultural industry system, adhering to government led market of cultural investment and financing systems and mechanisms, letting the government functions return to their origin, brand promotion of the development, and science and technology driving the development of cultural industry, to implement the new concept of the development of science and technology and other six aspects. These successful experience has a certain popularity, it is worth other areas in the development of cultural industries to learn.

    KeyWords: cultural industry; government function; Qujiang model; government function innovation 

    目  录

    一、引言 1

    二、中国文化产业发展历程略述 3

    三、西安文化产业发展概况 5

    四、曲江文化产业发展概况 7

    (一) 曲江园区发展历程 7

    (二) 解读曲江模式 8

    1. 人文资源的整合与创新 8

    2. 旅游业反哺文化产业 9

    3. 曲江模式对城市价值的影响 9

    五、从“曲江模式”看政府职能创新 11

    (一) 西安地方政府在文化产业发展中暴露的问题

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