



    Engineering cost skill and innovation analysis of No. six office building

    Abstract :With the development of social economy, the market competition in construction industry is more and more intense, want to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, strengthen internal control, strengthen engineering cost skills and innovation, through engineering cost skills and innovation to achieve economic benefits.

    In this paper, the BIM cost software is used to analyze the engineering cost skills and innovation through the GCL modeling and GBQ pricing of the sixth office building. The manual amount of computation of the shear wall of the sixth office building, and compared with the software amount of computation, analyzes the problems and innovative space of engineering cost. This paper also studies the role of engineering cost skills and innovation in the whole life cycle of engineering. In order to accurately reflect the value of engineering cost skills and innovation, the owners and contractors have obtained reasonable economic benefits in the value realization.

    Key words: engineering cost;BIM;modeling;life cycle

     目    录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究工程造价技能与创新分析的背景 1

    1.2 工程造价技能与创新分析的意义 1

    1.3 本文的研究内容 1

    2 工程概况 2

    2.1 工程建筑设计概况 2

    2.2 工程结构设计概况 3

    3 GCL建模 5

    3.1 识图 5

    3.2 准备工作 7

    3.2.1 新建工程 7

    3.2.2 新建楼层 8

    3.3 CAD导图 9

    3.4 绘图输入 10

    3.4.1 识别轴网 10

    3.4.2 识别柱、墙、梁、板、门窗洞 10

    3.4.3 绘制楼梯 13

    3.4.4 标准层 15

    3.4.5 装修 16

    3.4.6 建模工程中遇到的问题 18

    3.5 汇总工程量 21

    4 GBQ计价 22

    4.1 工程量清单计价内容 22

    4.2 工程量清单计价模式概念 23

    4.3 工程量清单计价模式与定额计价模式的区别 24

    5 算量方式的对比 26

    5.1 工程造价创新 26

    5.2 手工算量与软件算量

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