


    Research on location of fast-food restaurant in business circle based on ideal point method

    Abstract:In recent years, China's fast food industry is booming because of the continuous development of the market economy,which has become an indispensable food in people's lives. Choose the store address is very important for fast food business and there are many factors that affect the site. How to evaluate the selection of the shop scientifically and comprehensively and choose the best shop is the key to the development of fast food business as the ideal store in the business district has been occupied by other companies. Based on the existing site selection theory and the theory of business district, this paper makes an evaluation decision of Pizza Hut Group in Ningbo optional shop site by Topsis method and discusses the application of Topsis method according to mine knowledge has been learned. Through the analysis and research of this paper, it is proved that the ideal point method is feasible in the fast food restaurant in the shopping district. At the same time, this article compares the results with the actual site selection results, points out the inadequacies of the Topsis method, and puts forward some suggestions for the application of the ideal point method.

    Keywords:Fast food shop,Location, Topsis method, Business district

    目 录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究目的和意义 1

    (三)研究现状 1

    (四)论文研究方法 2

    1、文献 2

    2、数据分析 2

    3、对比推理 2

    二、快餐经营与选址概述 3

    (一)国内快餐行业现状 3

    (二)选址对快餐经营的重要性 3

    1、提升品牌形象 3

    2、提升餐厅业绩 3

    3、提升团队信心 4

    (三)快餐企业选址原则 4

    1、目标市场原则 4

    2、容易接近原则 4

    3、可见度原则 4

    4、战略性原则 4

    (四)常见快餐企业选址方法 5

    1、国内知名快餐品牌的选址方法 5


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