

    毕业论文关键词: 五保户;集中供养;社保意识

    A Study of the Current Situation and Improve Measures  of Centralized Support of Rural Households Enjoying the  5 Guarantees—Take XinYang,HeNan as an Example

    Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy, people in China have been more and more secured on the one hand. On the other hand,our country also faces a series of troublesome problems while carrying out and perfecting social security system and raising the awareness of social insurance,among which the expense of those who rely on the 5 guarantees.This paper fixes the key on the households enjoying the 5 guarantees(shorted for the ‘guaranteed’ in the following remarks),and analyzes the current situation and existing problems on the basis of the understanding of the System of Centralized Support of the guaranteed.After finding the defects of the system of centralized support,some practical suggestions have been put forward in the paper. By doing the case study of the fourth-tier city---XinYang,the current situation can be seen and a deal of stratagems have been offered about the centralized support of the guaranteed in the thesis. Through the research and analysis of the case,amounts of veteran experience has been accumulated for those small cities like XinYang.

    Key words: The Guaranteed; Centralized Support; Awareness of Social Insurance


    一.引言 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究内容 1

    (三)研究意义 2

    二.研究综述 3

    (一) 国内外研究现状 3

    (二) 研究现状评价 3

         1. 现状 3

         2. 问题 3

    三.五保供养制度概述 5

    (一) 五保户以及五保供养制度内涵 5

         1. 五保户的内涵 5

         2. 五保供养制度的内涵 5

    (二) 五保供养制度的历史变迁 5

    (三) 农村五保供养的性质 6

    (四) 我国农村五保供养制度的若干重大转变 6

    四.信阳五保户集中供养案例研究 8

    (一) 信阳市五保供养制度的的现状 8

    (二) 信阳市五保供养制度存在的问题 8

    (三) 信阳市五保供养制度存在的问题的原因分析

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