
    摘要医疗问题是目前国内热点问题之一。口腔医疗诊断更是国内人们备受关注的医疗问题之一,与老百姓的日常生活息息相关。近年来,口腔医疗诊断没有一个很好的优化诊疗流程,给患者治疗带来了很大的不便之处。 61548


    1. 研究中山医院医疗服务的整体流程,归纳医疗就诊流程,用工业工程的方法分析对医院口腔就诊流程进行分析、改进,并与改进前流程进行对比。

    2. 对该院医疗服务中的门诊流程(口腔疾病治疗流程)和医疗器械杀毒灭菌流程进行分析、改进和优化,合理增删就诊环节,改善口腔医疗流程。

    毕业论文关键词  工业工程  口腔医疗  诊断流程  口腔医院  流程分析  方法分析


    Title    Oral medical diagnostic process and industrial     engineering analysis                                                 

    Abstract Medical problem is currently the hot issues. Oral medical diagnosis is concern among people in one of the medical problems, and the people's daily lives. In recent years, oral medical diagnostic clinics without a good optimization process, giving patients a big inconvenience.

    Dental diagnostic process design is not only directly related to the patients in the degree of sophistication of the hospital, but also directly affect the quality of care patients receive. Therefore, this article from the perspective of industrial engineering, select Zhongshan Hospital outpatient medical services processes antivirus processes and medical equipment sterilization process analysis and improvement, and hospital management are discussed. In this thesis, do a little research specifically:

    1. Zhongshan Hospital medical services of the overall process, summarize medical treatment processes using industrial engineering methods analysis of hospital dental treatment processes analyze, improve, and with the improvement of the process before the comparison.

    2.For medical services in outpatient procedures (treatment of oral disease processes) and medical device sterilization processes antivirus analysis, improvement and optimization, rational deletions visit links, improve oral health care processes.

    Keywords  Industrial Engineering   Oral health   Diagnostic Process Process Analysis

    1  绪论 6

    1.1  论文的研究背景 6

    1.2  论文的研究目的、意义 6

    1.3  本文研究思路和结构 7

    2  工业工程流程分析与应用 9

    2.1  工业工程的发展 9

    2.2  工业工程解决问题的流程以及方法 9

    2.2.1  流程程序分析概念 9

    2.2.2  流程程序分析的方法 10

    2.2.3  流程程序分析的常用符号 10

    2.2.4  流程程序分析的步骤 11

    2.3  工业工程在口腔医疗流程中的应用

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