


    Abstract:With the development of Internet video, viral video advertising has become the preferred method of many advertisers publish video online advertising. Huge user base and stickiness viral video itself are the development of video marketing has laid a strong foundation, viral video marketing itself, "money scene" has become increasingly bright. Therefore, dissemination processes and process Elements of effective viral video marketing communication is very important.

    Through inspection and foreign literature, study the theory of viral video marketing communications - the development of effective communication theory, the theory of word of mouth marketing, viral marketing theory and network advertising communication theory, propagation path and propagation feature viral video marketing, viral video marketing to Blendtec case, "7 up" viral video series beverage cases, "those from the legendary American" Abbott case and SK-II- "she finally went blind corner" viral video case as a case by case comparison summary further validate virus route propagation and dissemination of video marketing elements, so that propagation path and propagation feature more valuable and persuasive.

    毕业论文关键词:病毒视频营销; 传播流程 ;流程要素

    Keyword: ;Viral video marketing;Spread process ;Process elements

    引言 5

    1 文献综述 5

    1.1 关于网络视频营销模式或形式的相关研究 5

    1.2 关于病毒视频营销优势的相关研究 5

    1.3 关于网络视频营销驱动因素的相关研究 6

    1.4 研究中存在的问题 6

    2 病毒视频营销概述 7

    2.1 病毒营销概述 7

    2.2 病毒视频概述 7

    3 病毒视频营销传播的理论分析 8

    3.1 发展有效传播理论 8

    3.2 口碑营销理论 8

    3.3 病毒营销理论 9

    3.4 网络广告传播理论 9

    3.5 病毒视频营销传播理论总结 10

    4 病毒视频营销传播的流程分析 10

    4.1 病毒视频营销传播的流程路线分析 10

    4.2 病毒视频营销传播的流程要素分析 11

    4.2.1 确定传播受众 11

    4.2.2 设计创意视频

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