





    Abstract Electronic commerce industry in our country is still in a stage of rapid development, with the introduction of the relevant laws, rules and regulations, electricity supplier industry is becoming more and more standardized, and in recent years have been showing a blowout state. Taobao women's clothing for the entire electricity industry is a pillar industry, and in this piece of the Red Sea, the competition is relatively intense, the living environment is not very good. With the development of the Internet, the craftsman Spirit gave birth to, more and more designers chose the categories of independent women's design as the entry point into the electricity business industry.

    Although the independent women's design in the clothing industry as a minimal category, the competition is not category so fierce, but because the for aesthetics, for feelings of additional value of the higher requirements, to improve their own competitiveness or certain difficulties.

    Details page display is a part of the electricity supplier industry is very important, but our country present photography industry chaos, most photographers studio apprentice or training class origin, lower culture level and pattern of photography ideas and can not let them independent design brand women's inherent qualities through the picture of the display.

    The in access to a large number of outstanding independent brand of clothing design details page and combined with its shooting experience based, to consumers of fashion photography and visual psychology abundance patterns, as a photographer and electricity supplier industry practitioners to provide more clear logic of shooting.

    Keywords:Independent design women's dress;Photography;Psychological cognition;esthetics;technique

    目  录

    一、绪论 6

    (一)、选题背景及意义 6

    (二)、研究的基本内容和拟解决的主要问题 6

    1、研究内容 6

    2、拟解决的主要问题 7

    (三)、研究方法及措施 7

    1、研究方法 7

    2、技术路线 7

    3、分析过程: 7

    二、我国独立设计女装品牌概述 8


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