


    毕业论文关键词  光栅效应  陷光结构  薄膜太阳能电池  严格耦合波分析法   时域有限差分法


    Title    Design and research of light trapping structures in thin film solar cells based on grating effect                                                   


    Thin film solar cells are the future of the photovoltaic industry. But the thin active layer makes it more difficult to absorb photons in solar cells which restricts the cell efficiency. The light trapping structure is one of the effective ways to solve this problem. In this paper, we designed and optimized the light trapping structure with gratings in amorphous silicon thin film solar cells based on the mechanism of the light trapping structure to improve the conversion efficiency of solar cells.

    This paper introduced the theoretical basis of rigorous coupled wave analysis and finite difference time domain methods. And then we use the rigorous coupled wave analysis method to design and simulate four solar cell structures under TM and TE modes, eventually find an optimized light trapping model which could greatly improve the efficiency of photon absorption. The internal field intensity distribution were calculated by the finite difference time domain method. The final optimized model also has a high absorption efficiency in large-angle incidence, and 17.59% more photon absorption could be improved by the light trapping structure compared to the flat structure.

    Keywords  grating effect, light trapping structure, thin film solar cell, rigorous coupled-wave analysis, finite difference time domain method

    目   次  

    摘要 …I

    Abstract …II

    目次 …Ⅲ

    1 引言 1

    1.1 太阳能电池的发展及应用 1

    1.2 太阳能电池的原理 …1

    1.3 太阳能电池的分类 …2

    1.4 陷光结构 …3

    1.5 光栅的原理 4

    1.6 本文的主要研究工作 5

    2 计算方法 5

    2.1 严格耦合波分析法(RCWA) …6

    2.2 时域有限差分法(FDTD)   7

    3 模型的设计与计算 8

    3.1 模型设计的基本原理 8

    3.2 模型的设计与分类 …8

    3.3 不同结构的吸收率对比与分析 13

    3.4 同种结构下不同模的吸收率对比与分析 16

    3.5 TM模下场强分布 …17

    3.6 不同结构的整体吸收率的对比与分析 …18

    3.7 不同入射角吸收率 …19

    结论 …20

    致谢 …22

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