

    Abstract With the rapid popularization of Internet, mobile e-commerce is in rapid development phase. Third party mobile payment paid in its characteristics of convenient and quick was welcomed by more and more users, in the mobile e-commerce transactions play an important role, and gradually become an indispensable way to pay. In this paper, from the perspective of inpidual users, selecting typical representative: alipay, WeChat payments, based on the existing third party mobile payment related literature reading and combined with market research, summarized and might influence the user to the will of the third party mobile payment adoption factors, based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), through the questionnaire survey and statistical analysis, the third party mobile payment users adopt empirical research on influence factors, to explore related factors on the user adoption the influence degree of the factors of the third party mobile payment, and the development of mobile payment for any third party to provide feasible suggestion.


    Keyword: The third party mobile payment;Influence factors;TAM  model

    目   录

    摘  要 I

    1 引言 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究的基本内容和拟解决的主要问题 1

    1.3研究方法 2

    2 相关理论综述 3

    2.1第三方移动支付 3

    2.2技术接受模型理论 3

    2.3第三方移动支付现状 4

    3 第三方移动支付用户采纳模型的研究设计 5

    3.1 第三方移动支付用户采纳的影响因素确定 5

    3.2模型构建和研究假设 5

    3.3 问卷设计与调查 6

    3.3.1 问卷设计 6

    3.3.2问卷结构 6

    3.3.3 数据搜集 7

    3.3.4数据分析 7

    4实证研究 8

    4.1频数分析 8

    4.1.1样本基本信息分析 8

    4.1.2样本行为分析 10

    4.2描述性统计分析 12

    4.3 信度分析 14

    4.4效度分析 14

    4.5 相关性分析 15

    4.6 回归分析 15


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