




    The Study of Improving the Quality of Third-Party Logistics Service Based on QFD Abstract

    With the development of economy,social production gradually expanded and the specialization gradually deepened,the third party logistics as the backbone of the logistics has been rapid developed in our country.However,with the more and more demand of 3PL,the market competition is very fierce.If Logistics enterprises wants to gain the competitive advantage only by reducing the cost is not enough.In the survival and development,they also need to gradually realize the importance of the service quality.Then they need to take some actions to improve the service quality. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the service quality of the logistics enterprises.

    In this paper, the house of quality which is the basic tools of QFD is used to expand the quality of logistics service of the YUNDA and to identify the factors that affect the quality of logistics services.Then we deal with the problem of a logistics enterprises to improve the quality of logistics services and enhance the customer satisfaction, thus to win bigger market.

    To improve the service quality of logistics is the critical factor of 3PL to occupy the logistics market and improve the competitive advantage. It is also an important aspect of obtaining customer satisfaction. Therefore, when the logistics enterprises have the great logistics service quality, they have the space which further development in the market to obtain bigger profits.

    Keywords:Quality of logistics service;Quality function development (QFD) ;House of quality  

    0 引言 1

    1第三方物流企业的发展状况分析 2

    1.1国外第三方物流的发展现状 2

    1.2国内第三方物流的发展现状 2

    1.3第三方物流企业的服务发展现状 3

    1.4我国第三方物流服务质量存在的问题 4

    2 QFD的相关理论研究 6

    2.1 QFD原理 6

    2.2 QFD的基本工具——质量屋 6

    2.3基于QFD的服务质量的研究综述 8

    3基于QFD的物流服务质量改进分析 9

    3.1顾客需求评价指标 9

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