
    摘要大学生历来是快递的主要客户群体之一,虽然大学生的消费能力有限,对快递企业的利润贡献率也不高,但不可置疑的是大学生是快递企业金牌潜力客户。本文研究的是快递企业客户忠诚的形成机理,论文首先回顾了快递客户忠诚的相关国内外研究现状及发展趋势,进而构建快递企业客户忠诚形成机理的概念模型,设计调查问卷,运用SPSS 22.0对问卷数据进行分析从而对相关假设进行验证。最终由数据分析结果得出结论:对于快递企业而言,顾客满意、顾客价值、顾客信任对顾客忠诚有着直接影响;顾客价值、服务质量直接影响顾客满意度,从而间接影响顾客忠诚度。文章最后在结论的基础上提出有针对性的改进措施,提升大学生对快递企业的客户忠诚度。62353

    毕业论文 关键词:快递企业;顾客忠诚;大学生 

    Research on the formation mechanism of express enterprise’s customer loyalty: Taking college students as an example

     Abstract   College students always are main customers of express delivery, although the university students' consumption ability is limited, contribution to express enterprise profit is low, but no doubt that students are express enterprise’s potential customers. This paper studies the express enterprises’ customer loyalty formation mechanism. Firstly, the paper reviewed the relevant customer loyalty research status and express enterprise’s development trend, then built the conceptual model of customer loyalty formation mechanism, and designed questionnaire, employed SPSS 22.0 to analyze questionnaire data so as to verify the relevant assumptions. Eventually come to the conclusion by data: for delivery companies, customer satisfaction, customer value and customer trust have a positive impact on the customer loyalty. In addition, customer value and service quality influence customer loyalty indirectly. At the end of the article, proposing targeted improvement measures, to enhance customer loyalty of delivery companiesKey words: Express enterprises; Customer loyalty; College students 

    0 引言 1

    1 文献综述 2

    1.1 顾客忠诚的概念 2

    1.2 顾客忠诚的理论模型 2

    2 模型构建与相关假设 4

    3 实证研究 6

    3.1 问卷设计 6

    3.2 问卷发放与回收 8

    3.3 数据统计及假设检验 9

    3.3.1 样本的描述性统计 9

    3.3.2 样本的信度分析 11

    3.3.3 样本的效度分析 12

    3.4 统计检验结果分析 13

    3.4.1 相关分析 13

    3.4.2 回归分析 13

    3.5 模型修正 15

    4 快递企业顾客忠诚度的提升策略探讨 15

    4.1 提高员工素质和业务水平 15

    4.2 满足顾客个性化服务 16

    4.3 开辟多样化的增值服务 16

    4.4 提高服务补救能力 17

    结论与不足之处 19

    致谢 20

    参考文献 21


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