
    摘 要:随着市场经济体制的完善和企业改革的深入,电子商务的发展,第三方物流在电子商务中应用的重要性的认识逐渐深化,对专业化、多功能的第三方物流需求日渐增加。在这样的市场背景下,我国的第三方物流得到了迅速的发展。第三方物流将各电子商务经营者的外包物流整合在一起,进行规模化、集约化的运作,互相合作,提高企业效益。随着电子商务的不断发展,电子交易的大量出现,物流外包量的不断增长,第三方物流市场将会越做越大。本文以淘宝店铺“红秀精品鞋居”为对象,通过对淘宝店铺的第三方物流的运营研究,找出存在的问题,并提出相应的对策促使电子商务更好地发展。67040


    Abstract: With the perfection of market economy system and the deepening of enterprise reform, the development of e-commerce, the third party logistics in electronic commerce in the application of the understanding of the importance of gradually deepen, to professional, multi-functional third party logistics demand increasing. Under such market background, our country's third party logistics has been developing rapidly.Third party logistics integrated e-commerce business outsourcing logistics, large-scale, intensive operation, mutual cooperation, improves efficiency. Due to the development of e-commerce, many electronic trading, logistics outsourcing, the growth of the quantity, the third party logistics market will become increasingly large. Based on the Taobao shop Hongxiu classic shoe shop as the object,through the investigation and analysis of third party logistics, to find out the existing problems, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures to promote the development of electronic commerce.

    Keywords: Hongxiu classic shoe shop, third party logistics, electronic commerce  

    目  录


    1  引言 3

    2  基本理论 3

    2.1  电子商务的概念 3

    2.2  第三方物流概念 3

    2.3  电子商务对第三方物流的影响 3

    3  淘宝店铺物流运营现状 4

    3.1  店铺基本信息 4

    3.2  物流公司的运营情况 4

    4  针对红秀精品鞋居评价的调查 5

    4.1  调查目的 5

    4.2  调查对象及样本量 5

    5  淘宝店铺第三方物流存在的问题 5

    5.1  物流发货速度慢 5

    5.2  物流信息更新不及时 6

    5.3  代签情况严重 6

    5.4  虚假发货 7

    5.5  物流人员素质低 7

    6  解决淘宝商铺第三方物流问题的对策与建议 7

    6.1  快递公司应建立快速的物流运输网 7

    6.2  及时更新物流信息,训练专业人才 8

    6.3  加强内部管理,物流终端管理 8

    6.4  加强物流面单的管理 8

    6.5  加强快递人员培训

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