
    摘 要互联网经过多年的发展,已经渗透到人们生活的各个领域。对于网络表现出越来越搞得依赖度,在社会和生活条件不断改善的今天,网络正在不知不觉的改变人们的消费方式。依托于互联网的迅速发展,现代化的购物方式已经不再局限于传统的店铺限时和人工交易。企业可以以虚拟化的网络店铺的形式进行商品交易,从而能够降低成本的同时,还能够打破地域的限制,在广泛的网络环境下销售商品,并可以根据不同的消费者的需求提供多样化的需求。消费者也逐步对网络购物的方式表现出广泛的接受和兴趣,使得越来越多的网民加入到网络购物的行列中去,从而能够使得网络购物的发展越发的规模化。对于消费者网络购物中出现的影响因素的研究,是整个网络营销理论的重要组成部分,也成为电子商务和网络营销实践的重要依据,并具有深远的理论意义和现实意义。60582

    [毕业论文关键词] 网络购物;消费模式;演变;购物偏好


    After years of development, Internet has penetrated into all areas of people's lives. People rely on the network for more and more intense, the network is unconsciously changing modern society of consumers living conditions and lifestyle. In the context of the internet, shopping is no longer limited to the traditional manual trading and limited trading time, enterprises with non-store mode of operation, reduce costs, breaking the geographical restrictions, not only to sell goods in the widest range and provide more persification of goods to meet customer needs. Consumers online shopping this new shopping channels are increasingly showing concern and interest in online shopping army continues to expand, so that the rapid development of online shopping. Research on consumer online shopping influencing factors, is an integral part of the network marketing theory, but also an important basis for e-commerce and Internet marketing practices, and has far-reaching theoretical and practical significance.

    Key words: Online shopping; consumption patterns; evolution; shopping preferences

    目 录

    摘 要 3


    第一章 前言 5

    (一)研究背景 5

    (二)研究意义 5

    (三)国内外研究现状 5

    1.国外研究 5

    2.国内研究 6

    第二章 网络购物兴起的原因 7

    (一)社会原因 7

    1.互联网普及率的增加 7

    2.快节奏生活的产物——时间及空间的无限制性 7

    (二)经济原因 8

    1.商品价格的竞争优势 8

    2.消费者消费能力的不断提升 8

    (三)文化原因 8

    1.消费者体验需求的改变——购物体验的升级 8

    2.虚拟购物保证了个人的隐私 9

    第三章 网上购物存在的优势 10

    (一)种类繁多 10

    (二)价格便宜 10

    1.消费者消费成本的降低 10


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