


    关键词:  流程再造、、六标准差、绩效指标、价值链

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title          Improvement of production process   Based on 6σDMAIC                              


    Production process represents a series of value-creating work activities.A good production process decises how much profits the enterprises can creat.Therefore,this reseach will analy and recycle the production based on six sigma DMAIC among the three levels which are "performance indicators", "value chain"and "customer-oriented".

    So that ,the value chain can extend to the end users.Then I will analyse the quality cost of the changed production to confirm it achieved results.

    At last, through the experience which I past in my company,I changed one of the company’s production process.I got a satisfactory result,so  the process transformation which mentioned above has applicability.The actual operation makes the whole conclusion more intact and convincing.

    Keywords:  Process reengineering  Six Sigma  performance indicators value chain

    1 引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究目的 2

    1.3  研究流程 2

    1.4  论文结构 3

    文献探讨 5

    2.1  企业流程再造 5

    2.2  价值链 8

    2.3  六标准偏差与顾客导向 11

    2.4  生产绩效衡量 15

    2.5  质量成本 16

    3  基于6σDMAIC手法的企业流程分析与改造 18

    3.1  研究结构与假设 18

    3.2  一般公司生产流程分析 20

    3.3  流程分析层面的选择 22

    3.4  生产流程再设计 23

    3.5  流程再造前后特点及预计效益对比 34

    4  基于6σDMAIC的生产实习研究论证 35

    4.1  定义阶段 35

    4.2  量测阶段 37

    4.3  分析阶段 39

    4.4  改善阶段 40

    4.5  控制阶段 42

    4.6  总结 44

    结论 45


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