



    毕业论文关键词  卫星制造  质量管理体系  GJB9001B-2009标准   体系构建


    Title  The research of the establishment of Quality Management System in A company                                 

    Abstract People has made increasing demands to the quality of products  in the fierce market competition,which make quality became the core of  company production activities. Quality assurance is even more the key emphasis in work to the Satellite Manufacturing industry. How to improve the quality of satellite products is the constant pursuit of the goal of Satellite manufacturing enterprises.

    The study is based on a satellite manufacturing company. It researched  the status quo of  Quality Management , and pointed out some problems of the Quality Management.then,a deep study is made on the review of GJB9001B-2009 standard and the quality management principles.After that,the study focused on the establishment of Quality Management System in A company based on GJB9001B-2009 standard, on this basis,the paper also analyzed the key processes in Quality Management system which include management responsibility、resource management、product realization and measurement,analysis and improvement.At the same time,the study has also had a research on the integrated of quality management and the other systems.In the last,the study concluded the process of the System Construction.This paper aims that it can  provide a reference to the other enterprises who want to eastablish their own Quality Management system.


    Keywords  Satellite Manufacturing  Quality Management System  GJB9001B-2009 standard   System Construction

     1 绪论 1

    1.1 质量对于企业发展的重要性 1

    1.2 质量管理的发展历程 2

    1.3 本文研究的背景、内容、目的意义 3

    2 GJB9001B-2009标准和质量管理原则 6

    2.1 GJB9001B-2009标准 6

    2.2 质量管理八大原则 8

    3 A厂质量管理现状及薄弱点 11

    3.1 A厂生产活动概况 11


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