

    毕业论文关键词  地铁  南京  青奥会  资源开发


    Title    Research On Nanjing New Metro Line Resource Development                                                                     

    Abstract The rail transit, especially the metro has developed rapidly because of its characteristic of large capacity, quickness, punctuality and so on. But most metro corporations have been in deficit all over the world. This paper takes the opportunity during the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games in 2014, and takes the new metro lines which will be operated before the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games as study object. The paper explores new methods of developing the Nanjing new metro line resource based on analyzing the forms of metro resource and the functions of the land along the metro lines. In the paper, multiple and stereo forms are applied to develop real estate resource, commerce resource, advertising resource and feeder traffic resource, combined with the geographic position, traffic condition, humanistic background and commercial development of Nanjing.

    Keywords  Metro  Nanjing  Youth Olympic Games  resource development

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外地铁发展现状 1

    1.3 研究内容与思路 4

    2  地铁资源概念及分类 6

    2.1 无形资源 6

    2.2 有形资源 6

    3  南京地铁发展现状及新线规划 10

    3.1 南京土地利用现状 10

    3.2 南京城市土地利用布局 11

    3.3 青奥会前南京地铁新线格局 13

    3.4 南京地铁新线规划线路及沿线用地功能 14

    4  南京地铁新线沿线资源开发策略 20

    4.1 南京地铁新线沿线房地产资源开发规划 20

    4.2 南京地铁新线沿线商业资源规划 23

    4.3 南京地铁新线沿线广告资源开发规划 26

    4.4 南京地铁新线沿线接驳交通资源开发规划 30

    5  以地铁十号线奥体中心站为中心的资源开发初探 33

    5.1 十号线功能定位 33

    5.2  房地产资源开发 34

    5.3  商业资源开发 34

    5.4  广告资源开发 35

    5.5  接驳交通资源开发

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