


    毕业论文关键词  收费模式  交通拥堵  收费原则  收费系统  南京市


    Title  Research on urban congestion charging mode                     


    As the world's urban traffic congestion problems in urban development, Seek ways to solve their governments and research has been a major issue facing the field. With the rapid development of China's economy, Degree of urbanization gradually deepened, Rapidly growing demand for urban transport, Traffic congestion has become a large city and economic development of the "bottleneck", And with the increasing number of vehicles growing, increasingly attracted public attention.In this paper, the status quo of domestic and foreign research, Through the five aspects of congestion charging systems research and feasibility studies, Focusing on five kinds of congestion charging has been studied. Charging mode for each definition, the scope and the use of a variety of charging models are discussed in detail the key, the last in the theory and practice of congestion charging overview and summary of the basis of Nanjing as an empirical study examples, too a set of operations on urban congestion charging process: traffic survey to determine the toll zone, toll facilities, determine the toll rate to determine the fee targets, fees evaluation of effects of urban congestion charging system improvement and perfection, and made recommendations regarding congestion charging 

    Keywords  Charging mode  Traffic congestion  Charging principles Toll system  Nanjing

     目  次

    1.  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 1

    1.3  国内外研究概况 2

    1.4  研究内容 4

    1.5  技术路线 5

    2.  拥堵费征收应遵循的原则和实施条件 5

    2.1  公平原则 5

    2.2  效益原则 6

    2.3  操作简单原则 6

    2.4  坚持收费目的的原则 6

    2.5  可接受原则 6

    2.6  拥堵费征收实施条件 7

    3.  拥堵费征收可行性研究 7

    3.1  城市拥堵收费迫在眉睫

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