





    Abstract In China, office buildings, residential housing and other buildings mushrooming one after another, and this phenomenon also contributed to the growth of China's construction industry. Although the construction industry in the industry has a growing trend, but is accompanied by the high construction accidents. Thus, under China's building security situation is fairly grim situation, we must learn to pay attention to safety culture. We can change the trend since the number of types of accidents and deaths occurred through scientific study of construction safety production accidents, provide a reference for China's building safety culture establishment, allows us to more clearly understand our safety culture in the absence of safety culture has been ignored analysis of the reasons and the like.

    In addition, we can start from the safety factors of safety culture. The safety factors are the following: human unsafe acts, unsafe conditions and material management factors, and these factors may lead to occurrence of any construction site security incident.

       This paper will draw on some of the more developed countries and the lessons of history and experience in the safety culture of different regions, based on the analysis of the importance of safety culture in construction enterprises, the construction companies to build the different layers (physical layer, action layer, layer system, the concept of layer) safety culture system, developed effective training methods, but also the establishment of an effective safety culture system.

       The main idea of writing paper is the first major safety culture theory are discussed, then the construction enterprise safety culture are discussed, and the hierarchy clear. Mainly on security incidents described to ask questions, lack of safety culture analysis of issues, content security culture and deep analysis case studies, and finally to solve the problem by establishing a safety culture system for construction enterprise safety culture construction provides a useful reference.

     KeyWords: Accidents; safety culture; safety culture system; Construction Enterprises

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