


    毕业论文关键词:韩都衣舍   营销   服装   价格   网络   产品

    Marketing Strategy of HSTYLE 

    Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of online shopping areas, many brands have had their shops on the Web, on the basis of the store operating under the line on net sales expanded business. Clothing brand network platform on the increasing level of competition also will heat up, the electricity supplier for the development of operational level planning and marketing aspects of the network marketing has a very high demand, a lasting brand to operate on the network platform, it is necessary accurately grasp the market demand, adapt to market trends, and the use of the public media network good publicity. HSTYLE electricity supplier can not in the context of the Internet age survival, depends on the competitiveness of products, but also rely on the company's sales strategy, how to make your brand more visible, how to solve the enterprise network marketing Problems and how changes in the market and timely adjust its strategy, it is a network brand needs time to consider.

    This paper selects the most representative of the network marketing brand --- Korean homes have clothes, as a case study, starting from the brand marketing environment, analysis of market segmentation and consumer mind integration of HSTYL marketing strategies, including product, price, place, promotion, etc., and further rationalization proposals for the problem of the brand management and development encountered.

    Key words: HSTYLE   Marketing   clothing   price   internet   product 


    一、绪 论 1

    (一) 研究背景 1

    (二) 研究意义 1

    (三) 研究方法 1

    1.文献研究法 1

    2. 市场调查法 1

    3 .信息研究法 2

    二、韩都衣舍营销现状分析 3

    (一) 韩都衣舍企业简介 3

    (二) 营销环境 3

    (三) 消费者分析 4

    (四) 竞争者分析 4

    1. ZARA 5

    2.  H&M 5

    (五) SWOT分析

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