    The research of the independent director system underestablishment of the new 《company law》
    Abstract Recent years, with the revision and establishment of the new 《company law》,andcoming up with the establishment of the independent director system means independentdirector system in China's listing Corporation, securities companies and fund companies arein the overall development. The establishment of independent director system is one of themajor institutional innovations in the management of listing Corporation in China. With theintroduction of this policy, the construction of the independent director system has becomethe focus of economic theory and the securities industry. The establishment of anindependent director system is an important measure to improve the management of listingCorporation in china. Different countries in the process of corporate governance are facedwith their own unique problems. And in our country, at present not only faced withchallenges brought by economic globalization, and faced with the obstacles caused by thedevelopment of market economy is not stable, so Chinese listed corporate governance toconstruct the perfect is a daunting task. We should not only follow the requirements of themarket economy to solve the impact of the old system and legacy issues, but also activelylearn from the effective experience and methods of Western countries. Since the reform ofstate-owned enterprises, many of the listed companies in China exists many problems, suchas ownership structure too concentrated and lead to a shares alone big, the board operationis not rigorous, the board can not do to the obligations of honesty, integrity and duediligence, the board of supervisors can not play the appropriate supervisory action. Upon thephysical layer lack of incentive and restraint mechanisms such as. The thesis mainlyintroduces the origin and development of the independent director system, and talk aboutthe condition and problems of our country’s independent director system. Besides, the thesiscomes up with solutions to the problems of our country’s independent director system andexpectations of its development.
    Keywords: the independent director system; listed company; company law


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