


    Abstract:Yangzhong Garden Expo is to host the eighth session of Jiangsu Bo Garden will be built, is Yangzhong landmark buildings, to promote the development of Yangzhong City, enhance the degree of urban civilization, displaying the city's image of civilization has an important role.With the end of the eighth horticultural exposition of Jiangsu Province, because of public facilities imperfect, park by difference, the problem of public participation of weak cause Garden Expo park appeared “idle” phenomenon. In order to fully tap the potential of the Expo Garden, make it become a new bright spot in Yangzhong, analysis of the current development of Garden Expo, visitors and local residents on the basis of garden planning and expected, and puts forward the planning of park development, will create the garden environment as carrier, the park is open city in garden tours, leisure entertainment, dining, shopping function of music art and culture are integrated in one.

    Key words: Garden Expo ,Plan and development ,City Park

    1.引言 7

    2.国内外研究现状 7

    3.扬中园博园发展现状 8

    4.继续发展面临的问题 10

    4.1交通选址的阻碍 10

    4.2园区的实用性差 11

    4.3配套设施不完善 11

    4.4经营项目少 12

    4.5门票的限制 12

    5.园博园改造原则与规划 13

    5.1革新意义 13

    5.2塑造原则 13

    5.3改变后的形象 13

    5.4改造方法 14

    6.四季开发设想 20

    6.1春—赏花品河豚 20

    6.2夏—竞赛摇滚 21

    6.3秋—赏菊观月登高 22

    6.4冬—庙会灯会 23

    7.园博园宣传营销 23

    7.1传统宣传 23

    7.2新媒体营销 24

    8.结论 26

    9.参考文献 27

    10.致谢 28

    11.附录 29

    图 表 目 录

    图1:扬中园博园全貌 6

    图2:主副馆前广场 8


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