


    The influence of enterprise advertisement marketing strategy on Enterprise

    Abstract: Nowadays, our country is in the period of great development after the reform and opening up, the economic leap brings the new change of the marketing environment. And if the enterprises want to beat their rivals to win in this new competition. , it is necessary to have the correct, excellent advertising marketing strategy. As an important part of the marketing strategy--advertising marketing strategy is playing an important role in enhancing the visibility of the corporate brand. Advertising in the influence of marketing strategy, with the development of the commodity economy are gradually improving. If a company want to be accepted by consumers, advertising is undoubtedly one of the most effective and most direct way to attract the attention of consumers and make them buy the poudects .The purpose of advertising is not only in the promotion of products, enhance the influence of the masses in the public, increase the marketing performance of enterprises, it will also change the way people's consumption patterns, and even the way of life.

    Key words: Advertising marketing strategy; Enterprise brand; Consumption concept.


    引言 1

    一、绪论 2

    (一)研究意义 2

    (二)研究目的和研究内容 2

    1、 研究目的 2

    2、 研究内容 3

    (三)研究方法 3

    二、理论部分 4

    (一) 广告的定义 4

    (二) 市场营销策略 5

    (三) 营销策略与广告的关系 5

    三、国内广告营销策略的现状分析 7

    (一)中国广告发展史 7

    (二)国内企业广告营销策略现状 7

    (三)发展趋势 9

    (四)对比国外的优势与劣势 10

    四、针对脑白金企业的广告营销策略研究 12

    (一) 研究目的 12

    (二) 脑白金简介 12

    (三) 脑白金企业广告营销策略及分析 13

    1、 脑白金企业广告研究策略 13

    2、 脑白金企业广告研究策略优势分析 13

    3、 脑白金企业广告研究策略劣势分析 14

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