

    关键词  HSE管理体系  安全管理现状  作业分析  人机优化  中小企业


    Title   Man-machine optimization and safety study in  pharmaceutical enterprises synthesis workshop                                                  


    The daily management in synthesis workshop needs the HSE management system. It is a security management mode focused on " humanistic management " and "pre-control". When study in today’s security management in the small and medium enterprises, we also use human factors engineering optimization as an auxiliary tool, which will help enterprises make up a suitable internal environment for the HSE system running, and is also a way to achieve HSE.At first, the author compare the operation of HSE management system in the enterprises at home and abroad, summarize the similarity, and try to explore the significance of the HSE management system for the contemporary enterprise. And then, in the case study for the target company, through the analysis of its security management status, human factors environment, the operation process and so on, we can get a better understanding of the significance of building a HSE system in the enterprise. In the end, we try to use simple man-machine optimization improvements to make the job more suitable for the employees’ health and safety. This research will collect more realistic significance for our task. We hope to put forward some thoughts for the security management in the small and medium enterprises through our research.

    Keywords  The HSE management system  The status of safety management  operation analysis  Man-machine optimization  small and medium enterprises

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究意义 1

    1.2  研究问题提出 2

    1.3  研究方法 2

    文献综述 3

    2.1  人在企业活动中的重要性 3

    2.2  人本管理思想的发展 3

    2.3  安全管理模式的转变 4

    2.4  运用人机学方法改善管理环境 5

    3  案例研究 6

    3.1  企业背景 6

    3.1.1  公司概况 6

    3.1.2  车间概况 7

    3.2  工厂安全管理现状 7

    3.2.1  安全现状了解

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