

    毕业论文关键词 弹道修正 实测弹道气象数据 弹道特性 


    Title  The study of methods of using ballistic meteorological data into the Trajectory Correction Projectile           


    Meteorogical condition is one of main factors that causing falling point distribution of projectiles during artillery firing. The actual meteorogical conditions vary with time and space which make projectiles range under actual meteorogical condition different with theoretical calculation range under standard meteorogical condition. Particularly, the Trajectory prediction accuracy is related with actual meteorogical condition in Trajectory correction technology. To this end ,This paper descript Trajectory correction technology and principle, build up the Flight dynamics model based on a bottom row of Compound Rocket Correction Projectiles as study object .Using Meteorological data interpolation and approximation approach to process Ballistic meteorological data ,by the numerical analysis of exterior ballistics, comparing the ballistic projectile flight posture and projectiles falling point with the standard meteorological conditions, The numerical results provide a reference for how to rational use the ballistic meteorological data to correct the Trajectory Correction Projectile.

    .Keywords Trajectory correction technology, Ballistic meteorological data, Ballistic characteristics


    1  绪论 1

    1.1弹道修正技术概述及工作原理 1

    1.2弹道修正技术的国内外研究状况[4] 2

    1.3气象条件在弹道修正技术中的作用 3

    1.4本文的主要工作 4

    2弹道修正弹的关键技术及修正方案 4

    2.1  弹道修正弹的关键技术 4

    2.1.1实际弹道探测技术 4

    2.1.2弹道解算技术 5

    2.1.3修正执行机构设计技术 6

    2.2弹道修正方案的选择 7

    3建立弹道修正弹的飞行动力学模型[13,14,15,16] 8

    3.1坐标系 8

    3.2各坐标系间的转换关系 9

    3.2.1弹道坐标系与基准坐标系间的关系 9

    3.2.2  弹轴坐标系与基准坐标系间的转换关系 10

    3.2.3  弹体坐标系与弹轴坐标系间的关系 11

    3.2.4  第二弹轴坐标系与弹道坐标系之间的关系 11

    3.2.5  第二弹轴坐标系与第一弹轴坐标系之间的关系

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