
    摘 要:为了深入分析淮安市乡镇的空间分布格局,本文以淮安市为研究区域,通过ArcGIS矢量化获得淮安市乡镇的矢量图层,利用核密度分析研究了淮安市乡镇的空间分布特征,并引入景观格局分析方法,计算乡镇斑块密度、平均斑块分维数、聚集度、香农均匀度指数等指标,进一步探讨了淮安市乡镇空间分布的聚散程度。通过研究发现,淮安市的乡镇空间分布有一定的规律性,呈现出“大分散、小集中”的格局,总体呈现均匀分布,没有特别集聚或者特别离散的区域,但市区周围的乡镇分布相对比较密集。从计算出的各个景观指数可以看出,淮安市各个乡镇的形状比较简单,离散程度不高,意味着乡镇形态的空间扩张制约机制较为简单。66400


    Abstract:In order to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of Huai'an township,this paper takes Huai'an City as study region .Through the ArcGIS vectorization to get the vector layers of Huai'an township,research and analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of Huai'an township by using the kernel density function.Introduce landscape pattern analysis method,calculating patch density,mean patch fractal dimension,clumpy, Shannon’s Evenness Index and other indicators to further discuss the degree of aggregation and separation of the spatial distribution of Huai'an township.Through the study ,it is found that Huai’an township spatial distribution has certain regularity,Showing a "big scattered, small concentration" of the pattern,presenting uniform distribution in general.There is no particular gathering or discrete areas,but the distribution of the townships around the downtown are relatively dense.From the calculated various landscape index ,it can be seen that the shape of Huai’an township is relatively simple,and its discrete degree is not high,which means that the spatial expansion restriction mechanism of the township form is relatively simple .

    Keywords:Huai'an township, spatial distribution pattern, kernel density, landscape index

    目   录

    1  前  言 4

    2  研究区与数据 4

    2.1  研究区概况 4

    2.2  数据 5

    3  研究方法 5

    3.1  核密度分析 5

    3.2  景观指数 6

    3.3  技术路线 8

    4  淮安市乡镇空间分布格局分析 8

    4.1  乡镇空间分布特征分析 8

    4.2  乡镇斑块景观格局特征分析 9

    5  乡镇空间分布格局优劣势分析及对策建议 10

    结  论 12

    参 考 文 献 13

    致  谢 14


    1  前  言 


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