


    Abstract: With the rapid development of economy and science, the quality of people’s lives has been improved. so more and more people have a high requirement on mother and baby products. And the expenditure of this products is increasing rapidly, which play a huge role in promoting the development of mother and baby products in our country. Undoubtedly, as the domestic mother and baby products market is in chaos and the quality of the products is intermingled, as well as the other problems, most people pay great attention to the mother and baby product. With the continuous development of science and technology, network marketing of mother and baby products has became an irresistible trend .This essay takes “Mother Baby Home” as an example ,and it briefly explains the online store’s business strategies. Then it mainly analyze the production, promotion ,price ,channel and other problems in details,. At last, it puts forwards suggestions on the clear product positioning, carries on the effective promotion, reasonable pricing and open up a variety of channels.

    Keywords: Mother Baby Home, Mother and baby goods, Network Marketing, Marketing    Strategy

    目 录

    1 引言 3

    2  “母婴之家”简介 3

    2.1  “母婴之家”概况 3

    2.2  “母婴之家”特点 4

    3  “母婴之家”公司营销现状 4

    3.1  “母婴之家”公司经营业绩分析 4

    3.2  产品策略现状 5

    3.3  促销策略现状 5

    3.4  价格策略现状 6

    3.5  渠道策略现状 7

    4  “母婴之家”网店营销存在的问题 7

    4.1  产品定位不清晰 7

    4.2  产品促销效果薄弱 7

    4.3  产品的定价缺乏市场调查 8

    4.4  销售渠道单一 8

    5  “母婴之家”营销对策 9

    5.1  完善产品策略,明确产品定位 9

    5.2  开展多样的促销活动 9

    5.3  完善企业定价策略 10

    5.4  开辟线上线下渠道策略 10

    结论 12

    参考文献 13


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