
    摘 要:随着智能手机的问世,手机市场飞速发展,智能手机的保有量也在迅速增加。广大智能手机用户不仅仅追求手机的性能及质量,而且对手机售后服务也越来越关注。提升手机售后服务顾客满意度成为各大手机公司提高竞争力的又一大举措。63409



    Abstract: With the advent of intelligent mobile phone, Mobile phone market is developing very rapidly,Intelligent mobile phone ownership is also increasing rapidly.The intelligent mobile phone users are not only in pursuit of the performance and quality of the mobile phone,but also paying more attention to the mobile phone customer service.To enhance the mobile phone customer service satisfaction has become a major measure to improve the competitiveness of the mobile phone company.

    Millet mobile phone company fan of successful marketing mode founded just 5 years make it became the leading brand of domestic intelligent mobile phone, but a lot of millet mobile phone users are not satisfied with the mobile phone customer service.This paper takes Nanjing millet home as an example, the situation of customer satisfaction in the form of a questionnaire survey from Nanjing home of millet mobile phone customer service service to millet mobile phone users in Nanjing, and according to the results of analysis of the existing problems, find out the reasons for these problems, giving reasonable suggestions.

    Keywords: mobile phone customer service, customer satisfaction, recommendation

    1  前言 3

    2  理论基础 3

    2.1  售后服务相关概念 3

    2.2  顾客满意度的相关概念 3

    2.3  手机售后服务满意度现状 4

    3  南京小米之家手机售后服务顾客满意度问题分析 5

    3.1  服务人员素质不佳 6

    3.2  维修流程冗长 7

    3.3  维修技术有待加强 9

    3.4  维修费用不透明 10

    4  对南京小米之家手机售后服务提高顾客满意度的建议 11

    4.1  加强对服务人员的培训 11

    4.2  简化维修流程 11

    4.3  掌握核心检测和维修技术 12

    4.4  检测过程透明化 12

    结论 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15

    附录A 16

    1  前言


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