
    摘 要:常州地处长三角中心位置,因其近年来经济的快速发展,吸引大量房地产企业的进驻,再加上本地也有众多的地产开发商,所以现在常州房地产行业已经趋向饱和,竞争越来越激烈。本文以常州市龙湖地产为研究对象,以其在常州的一个项目龙湖龙誉城为例,探讨了其当前在营销中存在的问题,包括产品定位不合理、户型种类少、促销策略缺乏创新、产品宣传力度小、营销团队管理不规范,运用所学的营销理论,提出重新定位产品、丰富户型种类、创新促销方式、加大产品宣传力度、规范营销团队管理的营销对策,从而促进龙湖地产在常州更好的发展。63408


    Abstract: Changzhou is located in the centre of Yangtze River Delta. With the rapid economic development in recent years, a large number of real estate enterprises choose to move into the region. In addition, there are also numerous local property developers. As a result, the real estate industry of Changzhou is approaching saturation. The market is becoming high competitive nowadays. This paper takes Changzhou LongFor estate as the research object. It mainly focuses on LongYuCheng of LongFor which is one of its projects in Changzhou. In the first part, a brief discussion and analysis of problems existing in the current marketing is given, which mainly include unreasonale product positioning, lack of housing types, lack of promotion strategies innovation and product publicity, and irregular marketing team management. Right after the first part, some marketing strategies base on marketing theory are presented, such as repositioning product, enriching housing types, innovating promotion strategies, increasing propaganda work and standardizing marketing team management. Only by making full use of these marketing strategies can LongFor estate achieve better development as well as a bright future in Changzhou.

    Keywords: LongFor estate,LongYuCheng of LongFor ,marketing strategy,product positioning 

    1  引言 3

    2  常州市龙湖地产概况 3

    3  龙湖龙誉城概况 3

    4  常州市龙湖龙誉城SWOT分析 4

    4.1  常州市龙湖龙誉城的优势 4

    4.2  常州市龙湖龙誉城的劣势 4

    4.3  常州市龙湖龙誉城的机会 6

    4.4  常州市龙湖龙誉城的威胁 6

    5  常州市龙湖龙誉城营销中存在的问题 7

    5.1  产品定位不合理 7

    5.2  户型种类少 8

    5.3  促销策略缺乏创新 8

    5.4  产品宣传力度小 9

    5.5  营销团队管理不规范 9

    6  常州市龙湖龙誉城营销的对策 9

    6.1  重新定位产品 9

    6.2  丰富户型种类 10

    6.3  创新促销方式 10

    6.4  加大产品宣传力度 10

    6.5  规范营销团队管理 11

    结  论 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢

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