


    关键词:大学生  就业  竞争  营销策略  

    Study on the employment marketing strategy of Contemporary College Students

    Abstract:Along with high school graduates increased year by year,the students are facing the increasingly fierce competition in the job market.students will show tension and at a loss when face the sudden pressure and competition.Morever students have a high employment expectations and do not understand the employment situation , the employmen problem is very prominent. In this huge employment crowd, the problem of prominent crowd is not a few, he (she) in the process of employment defeat. Therefore, research marketing strategy of college students to identify the adoption and promotion of the marketing strategy, so that we can develop a series of college graduates employment and reasonable marketing strategies in the process of employment, improve the employment competitiveness of college students, so that we can play a greater role in national development and progress.Therefore, this article will be based on the current existing problems, mainly from the perspective of our university graduates employment of marketing strategy research and analysis of today's college graduates in the employment process, provide some solutions to meet the process of college graduates employment problem.

    Key words: college student  employment   competition  marketing strategy


    一、绪论 6

    (一) 选题背景 6

    1.大学生就业现状 6

    2.大学生就业的实质 6

    (二)选题目的和意义 7

    1.选题目的 7

    2.选题意义 7

    (三)研究的思路和方法 8

    1.研究思路 8

    2.研究方法 8

    二、研究相关的理论介绍 9

    (一)市场营销 9

    (二)营销策略 9

    (三)STP理论 9

    (四)4P理论 9

    (四)PEST分析 10

    三、大学生就业发展历程 11

    (一)统包统分阶段 11

    (二)包分配和自主选择结合阶段 11

    (三)以市场为主导的自主就业阶段 11


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